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Visitor Experience Outcome VE4:

The most popular parts of the National Park which experience pressures are managed to ensure that the quality of environment, visitor experience and community life are protected and enhanced.

Why is this outcome important?

High visitor numbers can put pressure on our most accessible and popular places and landscapes within the Park, particularly on lochshores, in picturesque towns and villages, and along popular paths. These pressures take a number of forms ranging from congestion of car parks, litter, irresponsible or anti-social behaviour, and general wear and tear on the environment from the cumulative effect of high volumes of people visiting and recreating in these areas.

The National Park’s road network can become very busy at peak times and problems can be exacerbated by illegal or irresponsible parking of vehicles. The safety of all types of road user can be threatened by vehicles travelling at unsafe speeds.

The access and use of the Loch Lomond islands still requires attention to ensure their precious habitats can thrive alongside land and water based recreational activity. The volume of marine litter affecting communities on Loch Long is a long-standing issue which requires innovative thinking to resolve.


Picnicking in the National Park

We see a continuing need to address these issues through the right combination of engagement and education, investment in facilities and, where necessary, management measures and regulation to help alleviate pressure and prevent damage.

Much public investment has already been targeted in raising the quality of visitor facilities in the busiest areas improving car parks, toilets, information points, litter facilities, viewpoints and campsites.
This approach has achieved transformational improvements to East Loch Lomond and parts of The Trossachs through the 5 Lochs Visitor Management Plan. Continuing to find solutions which prevent these problems will support the more sustainable use of busy sites and give confidence for the private sector to play a role in providing visitor services.

Our priorities for action:

  • Visitor Experience Priority 14: Ensuring that the Camping Management Zones (West Loch Lomond, Trossachs West, Trossachs North and East Loch Lomond) support improvements to the environment and visitor experience through providing for sustainable levels of camping and motorhome use alongside other visitor activities.
  • campsite-next-to-loch-family-sitting-at-picnic-bench

    Camping at Loch Lubnaig

    • Visitor Experience Priority 15: Agreeing an approach to ensuring the sustainable and responsible use of the Loch Lomond islands.
    • Visitor Experience Priority 16: Strengthening efforts to prevent and manage litter more effectively, including marine litter on Loch Long.

    Volunteers picking up litter at Loch Long

    • Visitor Experience Priority 17: Developing parking and traffic management measures at our busiest visitor destinations.
    • Visitor Experience Priority 18: Delivering educational campaigns with partners promoting responsible enjoyment of the Park’s environment, including safe use of its road network.

    Who can help make this happen?

    Forest Enterprise Scotland
    Transport Scotland
    Local Authorities
    Police Scotland
    Zero Waste Scotland
    Keep Scotland Beautiful
    Scottish Natural Heritage
    Clyde Marine Planning Partnership


    How will we measure success by 2023?

    • Your Park monitoring indicators.
    • Reduction in litter levels.
    • Reduction in police complaints.


    • Do you agree with the overarching Visitor Experience vision?
    • Do you agree with the 5 Visitor Experience outcomes?
    • Do you agree with the 20 Visitor Experience priorities?
    • Do you have any specific comments on the priorities or outcomes?
    • Are there areas that you think are important and that are not covered by the priorities?
    • Is your organisation willing to sign up to the delivery of the priorities and,
      if so, what/how does your organisation intend to contribute?
    • Are there other organisations that you think should be included as delivery partners?



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