In order for us to process your planning application efficiently we require a certain standard of submission. This guidance note has been prepared to assist you in ensuring the information submitted is of a suitable quality.
Also please see the guidance note on the national standards for the validation of planning and other related consents in Scotland, which is published by Heads of Planning Scotland.
We recommend you use the online application service as this guides you through all of the appropriate sections. Please ensure that all sections of the application form are completed even if the answer is N/A (not applicable).
You must ensure that the following items have been completed to the appropriate standard:
When submitting a paper application, please note that the Land Ownership Certificate is a separate document which is downloaded as part of the application pack. This must be submitted with all applications.
You are legally required to identify if you are the owner of the land and if the land is part of an agricultural holding. You are not required to own the land to make an application. However, if you are not the owner of the land then you are legally required to try to identify who is and provide them with a notification that you are making this application. You must provide their details on the form and give us a copy of the notice sent to them. If the owner cannot be identified you must indicate what steps you took in your attempts at identification and your application will require to be advertised in the local press.
Planning Fees are set out in legislation and must be submitted with your application. Payment of fees can be made online when you submit an electronic application; over the telephone; by cheque through the post or by cash at either of our office in Balloch.
If your application has been submitted online then there is a fee calculator facility to assist in ensuring the correct fee is submitted. However we recommend that if your proposal is not straightforward then you should contact us to calculate an accurate fee prior to submission. Please see our Planning Fees page to assist in identifying the appropriate fee for your application. Listed Building and Conservation Area Consents do not require a fee.
In addition to the planning fee your application may require an advertisement fee which pays for an advert in the local press. In order to minimise delay in the processing of your application we suggest that you automatically submit the required £160 with your application to cover the cost of this advertisement as it will be refunded if not required.
The precise location of the application site should be made clear. Please ensure your plan has:
The site plan should show the site as it currently stands. Please ensure your plan has:
Red lines should encompass the complete ‘planning unit’ to which the application relates. All householder applications should have the red line follow the garden boundary no matter how minor the works are.
Any land in the same ownership of the applicant should be outlined in blue, if it is not classed as garden curtilage.
If the application is to change the use of a piece of land to bring it into your garden ground then the red line should only go round the part that requires the change of use, with the existing garden outlined in blue.
If the application is for the erection of a dwellinghouse the red line should follow the full extent of the proposed garden boundary including any required access.
Hotels and other business buildings almost always have a clearly identifiable ‘planning unit’ this is what the red line should show. This planning unit usually includes the access and parking provision, any immediate garden ground or outdoor seating area, any other buildings associated with the use of the main building (e.g. Leisure Suite or storeroom).
Some public buildings, like this example within a town square, do not have any directly associated outside land and therefore the red line should surround only the building.
If you submit your application online then no paper copies are required however for larger more complex developments we would be grateful if you can provide at least 2 paper copies and/or CD’s to assist with community council consultation and public access. If you are submitting a paper application then one copy is sufficient unless, as stipulated above, the application is large or complex and at least 2 paper copies should be provided.
Please ensure that you have:
Further information may be required as part of your application. This guidance highlights the most common documents/reports that can be required in certain circumstances (please note this list is by no means exhaustive).
Supporting Statement – Most applications would benefit from a statement of justification for the proposal. This could include the reason for development, any proposed arrangements for access by the public, opening hours, uses of the building, how it relates to its environment and how it will operate in practical terms. Not all applications ‘require’ the above information but it may be deemed useful for the planning officer considering your application if they were provided. The more information you can provide on submission, the more likely your proposal will be understood by ourselves and the public and could lessen the likelihood that the application will be delayed due to this information being requested at a later date.
Design Statement – Developments within sensitive areas such as Conservation Areas, National Scenic Areas and within the curtilage of a Category ‘A’ Listed Building require this document to be submitted prior to validation (depending on the proposal). Design statements are useful tools for explaining the design principles and concepts of the development and should include an explanation of the policy or approach adopted, describe the steps taken to appraise the context of the site and state what, if any, consultation has been undertaken on issues relating to design principles and concepts. Even if this is not ‘required’ we would advise that all submissions for more complex developments submit this type of information. Further guidance can be found in our Sustainable Design Guidance (pdf) and PAN 68: Design Statements.
Sustainability Checklist – All applications should include a completed Sustainability Checklist (Word doc) to show how sustainable development principles have been factored into the design process, in accordance with Policy SUSDEV1 of the Local Plan.
Flood Risk Assessment – If your development is within or adjacent to an indicative flood risk zone we advise that you submit a flood risk assessment with your application. If not provided with your application it can hold-up the consultation process and subsequently the determination date. You can view the Indicative River and Coastal Flood Map on SEPA’s website.
Tree Survey – Where the development proposed will affect or be close to mature trees, a survey of the trees is required. Details of how this should be undertaken can be found in our Planning Advice Leaflet on Trees and Survey Requirements (pdf).
Species and/or Habitat Survey – Please submit a survey for all protected species and habitats that might be affected by the proposed development. Details of survey requirements can be found in our Planning Advice Note: Biodiversity and planning (pdf).
Bat Survey – This is particularly relevant for proposals involving redundant buildings or reroofing proposals and can cause delay if omitted given bat hibernation periods. If you are in doubt about whether you need a Bat Survey please contact us for advice.
Structural Survey – This should be submitted with proposals for the conversion of redundant buildings. Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS) details – It is preferred that this information is submitted initially to assist with consultations and assessment of your proposal.
Foul drainage proposals – In order to obtain advice from Scottish Water or SEPA regarding mains connection, septic tanks or treatment plants etc. details are required on submission.
Environmental Impact Assessment – For developments that fall within Schedule I of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 2011 an Environmental Statement is required to be submitted with your application. Developments that fall within Schedule II (regardless of their size) may require the submission of an Environmental Statement, this can be determined through a request for a screening opinion from us. Details of these Schedules and the EIA process can be found in our Planning Advice Note: Environmental Impact Assessment (pdf)
‘ICNIRP’ Declaration– Where your proposal relates to a telecommunication installation and antennae is being installed as part of an electronic communications network this form must be submitted with the application.
This guidance has been produced to provide advice regarding the information required to make a valid planning application. Please do not treat this advice as comprehensive. Different applications require different types of information and this leaflet can only provide broad general advice. The specific information required for your particular development can only be properly assessed on submission of the application. We recommend that you make use of our free pre-application service if you are unsure what details will be required and what guidance applies to your proposal.
Please contact the planning team at or Tel: 01389 722024 for further advice.