Met Office Red Weather Warning – very strong winds, causing dangerous conditions and significant disruption across Central Scotland, including large areas of the National Park on 24/01, 10am – 5pm. As such, all sites and services, including offices, visitor centres, slipways and public toilets managed by the National Park Authority will be closed.

We strongly advise against any attempts to travel to, or within the National Park during this time.

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Visitor Management Updates

An extensive range of measures and resources are being put in place across the National Park to manage visitor pressures in 2024.

Here you can find information and updates for stakeholders within the National Park on our visitor management activities.

Managing Visitor Pressures

Work to manage visitor pressures in the National Park is driven by the National Park Safe Recovery Action Group (NPSRAG) and is set out in the Joint Response Visitor Management Plan for 2024.

While the Joint Response Visitor Management Plan focuses primarily on actions for the 2024 season, it is also recognised that not all challenges will be resolved in one year. Work is ongoing and will continue with all key partners and stakeholders on developing longer term solutions.

Who to contact about visitor pressures in the National Park

Communities and stakeholders can provide information on visitor pressures being experienced across the National Park by emailing The information you provide will be used by the National Park Authority and our partners to plan and adapt our response to visitor management throughout the season, so please be specific about where and what the pressure is so we can adapt appropriately. Please note that the feedback inbox should not be used to report emergencies or to lodge a complaint. If you wish to make a complaint please follow our ‘how to make a complaint’ procedure.

Details of how to report specific activities are provided below:

  • Criminal, antisocial or dangerous behaviour – Call Police Scotland 101 or in an emergency dial 999 when a life is in danger, a crime is in progress or a suspect is nearby. Please do report these behaviours and incidents to Police Scotland so that they can be recorded.
  • Litter and fly-tipping – Litter and fly-tipping on public land should be reported to the relevant Local Authority using the following links.
  • Irresponsible or dangerous parking – This should be reported to the relevant local authority or if the parking is dangerous and causing an obstruction to Police Scotland by calling 101.
  • Irresponsible camping/toileting and access issues – National Park Authority 01389 722600 or
  • Dangerous or wild fires – Scottish Fire and Rescue 999

Keeping you up to date

Newsletter updates

Regular email updates are being issued to recreation and access partners as well as communities, businesses and land managers within the National Park at the end of each month. These emails include an update on our visitor management activities and any specific information to be aware of. Read the most recent Mailchimp update.

If you don’t already receive these but fall into one of the groups outlined above, please email us at to be added to our mailing list. Please also share these updates with your networks and communities to help make others aware of this information.

Engagement meetings and briefing sessions

Virtual briefings will be held at specific milestones throughout the season to keep you updated about our joint visitor management activities and provide opportunities for you to ask any questions or feed into our longer term visitor management planning. You can find dates for these below and we’ll also publish any notes or recordings from these sessions here afterwards.

March 2024 Pre-season stakeholder briefing:

The National Park Visitor Management Group will be meeting Monthly throughout the season to discuss and amend operational planning. We’ll also be holding or taking part in any targeted meetings as needed for specific issues throughout the season, such as community specific meetings or Partnership Approach to Water Safety (PAWS) Groups.

Visitor management planning in your area

To ensure that visitor management decisions at a local level are made in an inclusive way, we have set up a number of place-based Visitor Management Groups bringing together a range of stakeholders in specific places. Current active groups cover:

  • East Loch Lomond
  • West Loch Lomond
  • Strathard & The Trossachs
  • Callander & the surrounding area

map showing joint response visitor management plan zones within loch lomond and the trossachs national park including callander and the surrounding area, east loch lomond, strathard and the trossachs and west loch lomond

These groups have been set up in areas of the National Park that experience the most intense visitor pressures. They are composed of representatives from local Community Councils and Community Development Trusts, businesses, landowners, Local Authorities and key agencies such as Police Scotland, Transport Scotland, Forestry and Land Scotland and the National Park Authority.

A big focus for these groups in 2022 will be working together to influence future visitor infrastructure improvements and we intend to publish updates from these groups on this page throughout the season.

Work with us to encourage visitors to enjoy the area responsibly

In 2021 we developed a Responsible Visiting Toolkit with a variety of materials for communities, businesses, land owners, groups or partner bodies to help encourage visitors to enjoy the National Park safely and responsibly. Download graphics from the toolkit to use on your own website and social media channels or put up posters and signage in your business or community. We’ll continue to add materials to this toolkit throughout 2024 to keep this up to date.

We’ll also be working with specific stakeholder groups on themed campaigns throughout the season to reach our key audiences. If you would like to work with us on any aspect of our responsible visitor campaigns this summer, please get in touch with us at


Find visitor management updates from previous seasons.

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