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Local Place Plan Register

This is the official Local Place Plan Register. This is where a Plan has been submitted and validated under the Local Place Plan Regulations.

On this webpage (below the map), you can also find information on:
• Links to all the Community Action Plans and Place Plans in the National Park.
• How registered Local Place Plans link to the Local Development Plan?
• What is the Local Development Plan timeline and when is the deadline to submit a Place Plan?
• What happens if you miss this deadline?
• Local Place Plan Support Enquiry Form download.

The Local Place Plan Regulations 2021 require planning authorities to establish, maintain and publish a register of Local Place Plans and to make information about them available so that people can see if there is a Local Place Plan in their area. Specifically, the register must contain a copy of the Local Place Plan and a copy of the information submitted alongside it. For a Local Place Plan to be registered as valid it must comply with the very specific requirements set out in the legislation and which are more easily explained in Scottish Government Circular 1/2022 – Local Place Plans. Subject to these requirements being satisfied, the planning authority must register the Local Place Plan and inform the submitting body.


  • Strathfillan Local Place Plan

  • Community Council Map

    Below is a map of the Community Councils in the National Park that shows the land to which registered Local Place Plans relate. Please click on any area on the map to discover the Community Council representing that area, along with its contact details and the Local Authority responsible for providing governance support. Remember, the National Park Authority is the Planning Authority responsible for planning in the National Park.

    Other Community Action Plans and Place Plans

    There are also a number of plans that have been prepared by communities as place plan which have maps (prior to the regulations coming into force) that are not currently on our register. See the full list of community plans below.
    There are a number of communities that have Community Action Plans and we are interested in hearing from you. We sent an official invite to prepare a Local Place Plan in July 2022, and we are still interested in hearing from you if you are wishing to prepare a Local Place Plan. Please complete this enquiry form and submit to and we can let you know what support we are able to offer.

    The majority of communities in the National Park already have either a Community Action Plan or Place Plan but they are not officially on the Local Place Plan register as they would need to meet the requirements of the Local Place Plan regulations. Here is a list of the completed plans:

    How registered Local Place Plans link to the Local Development Plan?

    One of the main differences between registered Local Place Plans and Community Action Planning is that there is a new legal requirement for Local Development Plans to ‘take account’ of Local Place Plans. As part of this process we must give reasons why we are not including a proposal within the Local Development Plan.
    It should be noted that it is not the role of the planning authority at the point of registration to assess the proposals contained within the Local Place Plan for their planning merit or deliverability. This will be done later and as part of the wider Local Development Plan process.
    The statutory ‘Development Plan’ for every place in Scotland will comprise of the National Planning Framework 4 and the Local Development Plan – see further information about the NPF4 here and what is means for the National Park.

    What is the Local Development Plan timeline and when is the deadline to submit a Place Plan?

    We aim to adopt the new plan in 2024 and it will look ahead for 10 years from then (subject to change, please see our Development Plan Scheme).
    In accordance with the Regulations we must set a deadline for the submission of Local Place Plans to allow them to be taken into account prior to preparing the Local Development Plan.
    We have currently set this deadline as 31st March 2024 to allow us sufficient time to consider any Local Place Plan prior to publishing the Proposed Local Development Plan in late 2024. However, this timeline is subject to change and is likely to be extended. Please contact the Community development team to confirm at

    What happens if you miss this deadline?

    If this deadline is not met and you are in the middle of preparing your plan (you may have a draft plan or community survey results), then you can use your draft plan to respond to the consultation of the Proposed Local Development Plan.
    If your community has not produced a Local Place Plan there will be opportunities to engage with the Local Development Plan preparation during the statutory consultation period in 2024.

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